floorplan website

Family Info


Internal visits

April 29, 2024 

Dear families, 

Unfortunately, the restrictions must remain in place, at least until Friday May 3rd, 2024 as we had one new case of gastro flu this past Saturday.  According to public health, it takes 5 days without cases of stomach flu before they can remove our outbreak status. Like you, we are really anxious for that day to come!  We will confirm this Friday May 3rd 2024, if we can open visitation back to normal!

Therefore, Promenade de vie unit remains closed to visitors and the residents of this unit must remain confined to their unit, according to the decision of Public Health.

The residents of the Grand Cœur unit must remain confined to their unit. Visitors must also wear a mask to go to the Grand Coeur unit because you must pass through the Promenade de vie unit. You do not need to keep your mask on during your visit in the Grand Coeur unit but please always wear a mask when you walk through the Promenade de vie unit.

Please do not come visit if you have cold, flu symptoms or are sick. 

Villa Providence Shediac Inc. Team 


What are the staff?
They are the warmth that bring the sunshine into the Villa and make it a home;
Their nature is gentle and kind, thoughts caring and smiles tender;
They understand what the clients do not say and know how very much love is needed and tender loving care.
The staff at the Villa re the more and mean more than they will ever know the residence of the Villa.
They are Their Life Line - - - Family!

Joanne Cook

The Villa Providence Fondation

The Foundation Providence Inc. is a charitable foundation dedicated to raising funds to help seniors, people with physical or mental disabilities and all other institutions whose mission is to serve the most disadvantaged in society.

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